1. How can I search the Library Catalog?
The LibraryLink Online Catalog is open to members and nonmembers, however downloading materials is reserved exclusively for members. From the IAAO home page, hover over the “Resources” tab, then “Research Library.” From there, click on “LibraryLink.” You can also navigate to this page using the left-hand menu from the “Resources” page. Click on the LibraryLink image to enter the catalog. To use the catalog, all users must log in (nonmembers will be asked to create a guest account).
Once logged in, the search box appears towards the top of screen. To the right of the search box, there is a drop down menu where you can select the type of search you wish to perform: Basic, Advanced, Author, Corporate Author, List, Series, Subject, or Title. The default is set to Advanced. With an advanced search, click in the search box and it will expand, giving you more options. Enter any terms you wish to search in the corresponding boxes: keyword, title, author, publisher, date range, subject, or journal title. You can also select the type of resource you are looking for and the collection in which it resides.
The following options are available for how specific you want your search to be:
All words – creates an AND search in which each keyword is present in the results. This is the default.
Any of the words – creates an OR search in which at least one of the keywords is present in the results.
The phrase – creates an ONLY search enclosing the keywords in quotation marks and displaying results with only the exact phrase.
Exact match – returns records that are 100% match for the keywords.
Best match – returns results that are the nearest match for the search term.
The results list displays items in chronological order by year of publication. Users may also sort the results by relevance, popularity, title, classification, date entered into the catalog, and author. To expand the full record, just hover over or select the blue title. If the full text of the item is available for download, the record will include a hyperlink in the field “Fulltext Access.” Select this link and a new window or tab will open to display the article. The article can be saved to your computer, emailed, or printed.
Browse searching can be performed on new items, lists, and serials. Simply select the “Browse by List” menu on the left-hand side. From there you can select which resource you want to browse.
For more help with searching the catalog, see the tutorial videos on basic and advanced searching.
2. How can I get assistance with conducting research?
Researchers may contact the Research Librarian through the following channels:
Phone: 1.800.616.IAAO(4226) X8107
Fax: 816.701.8149
Email: library@iaao.org
Ask-A-Librarian online request form
Tutorials for using the IAAO databases are available on the IAAO Library’s website.
3. How can I check out a book?
Only members are allowed to check out materials. A maximum of 3 books may be checked out at a time for a 3-week loan period. Members pay only for return shipping by any ground shipper with a tracking system.
Members may request materials by contacting the Research Librarian during regular business hours or may send requests via the online catalog LibraryLink. 1.800.616.4226 X8107 or library@iaao.org
4. Can I visit the library in person?
Members of IAAO and the general public are welcome to visit the library in person. Appointments may be made with the Research Librarian Monday through Friday during regular business hours. Visits should be arranged at least 24 hours in advance by calling 1.800.616.4226 X8107 or by emailing library@iaao.org .
5. How can I download an article from the Library Catalog?
You must be a member to access fulltext documents from the IAAO Library and members must be logged in.
The IAAO Library offers a variety of electronic resources, however many articles published by other organizations such as the Appraisal Institute are indexed in the LibraryLink database, but they are not available for download due to copyright restrictions. All articles published by IAAO are available for download from the LibraryLink database. To download articles, first perform a search in LibraryLink. Items available for download will either have the “Electronic Article” icon, or “[electronic resource]” at the end of the title. Hover or click on a title to view the description. Click on the “Download full text here” link to view the entire resource. The document will open in a separate window or tab. From here you can view, save, or print the resource. The following publications are available for download in LibraryLink:
- Assessors Journal (1965-1981)
- Assessment Digest (1979-1993)
- Property Tax Journal (1982-1993)
- Assessment Journal (1994-2003)
- Fair & Equitable (2003-present)
- Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration (2004-present)
- IAAO Conference Proceedings (1988-1999, 2001-present, with 1 year delay on release)
6. Do you have any other journal databases that I can search?
IAAO also subscribes to InfoTrac which is a journal database with citations and fulltext articles from approximately 100 real estate and public administration periodicals. Articles found in InfoTrac can be downloaded and/or requested from the Research Librarian who will provide copies to members for free up to 25 pages per article.
Members may access InfoTrac by logging in to the IAAO Web site and selecting the link from the “Research Library” menu under the “Resources” tab or from the left-hand menu on the “Research Library” page.
Recorded tutorials are available to demonstrate how to use InfoTrac and the County/Municipal Directory.
7. How can I request an article if it's not full text in the Library Catalog?
LibraryLink has a streamlined request system that allows members to simply select the desired materials and then select "Request." To select materials, users must search LibraryLink for resources, and then check the box next to the desired materials. Once the "Request" button is clicked, an email is generated with the user's name, email address, and list of desired materials. Click on "Send" to complete the request. The Research Librarian will send the requested materials to you by email or fax, whichever you prefer.
Nonmembers cannot request materials through LibraryLink, but may copy and paste the desired records into an email and send it to the Research Librarian at library@iaao.org . Or requests can be made by phone 1.800.616.4226 or through the Ask-A-Librarian online request form.
8. Can I save my searches for future access?
Members can save searches by first performing a search in LibraryLink, and then selecting the button "Save Search." Create a name for this search and type it in the appropriate blank, then click "Save."
The next time you log in, click on "Searches" underneath the “Library Portal” menu item in the left-hand navigational menu. Users can "Load" the previous search, "Run" the search again which will find the previous items plus any new items added to the database, or "Delete" the search.
Only members can save searches in LibraryLink. If you don't see the "Save Search" button, that means you are not logged in.
9. Is there a charge for library materials or services?
All library services are included in the IAAO membership except for requesting paper copies of articles over 25 pages long ($1.00 per page after the first 25 pages). The general public may access the Fee Schedule for nonmembers.
10. Can you notify me of new materials on specific subjects of interest to me?
Members may set up alerts in LibraryLink by selecting "Interests" underneath the “Library Portal” menu item in the left-hand navigational menu. Click on "Add New Interest" and fill out the information accordingly. Click “Save” to finish.
11. When I try to access LibraryLink, my browser returns an error message. Why won't it open?
If you have logged into the IAAO Web site and are able to open other resources such as the Glossary or the Member Lookup database, then the problem is the security settings on your Internet browser. To resolve this problem, please try the following steps:
You need to add *.softlinkliberty.net to your trusted websites
-Open Internet Explorer
-Click on Tools on the tool bar and select Internet Options
-Click on Security tab, click on Trusted sites green arrow, then click on “Sites”
-Type *.softlinkliberty.net in the “Add this website to the zone” field and click on “Add”
-Click on Close on the Add Trusted Site window and click on “Apply” on the Internet Options window.
If this does not resolve the access issue, please contact the Research Librarian for assistance: 1.800.616.4226 X8107 or library@iaao.org .
12. Do you have subject guides on topics of interest to Assessment Professionals?
Yes. Subject Guides are located under “Research Tools” from the “Research Library” page. These guides are bibliographies of print and electronic materials available through both the IAAO Library and other external sources.
13. The buttons aren't working in LibraryLink. How do I activate the buttons?
Certain functions are disabled in the Firefox browser. You will have full functionality in the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser and the Chrome browser.
14. How do I use IAAO Connect?
IAAO Connect is a private online discussion forum for members only. Access the Getting Started page for instructions how to login, post, reply, set preferences, and search the forum.
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