Understanding Your Assessment

To assist members in providing information about the assessment process, IAAO has developed a public information brochure, "Understanding Your Assessment," explaining how the value of property is estimated and what causes it to change. 
Copies of the brochure may be purchased online at www.iaao.org/brochures in quantities of 50 at $17 per each 50.

For a free printed sample of this brochure, please send your mailing address to Toni Eichholz (eichholz@iaao.org) with "UYA Sample" in the subject line. A sample brochure will be mailed to you.

To purchase copies of the brochures, go online to www.iaao.org/brochures and create an account for NextPage Studios, who will handle the fulfillment of your online order.
If you have additional questions, contact IAAO at info@iaao.org.