For IAAO President-Elect

Donna Vandervries, CAE, AAS, PPS

Equalization Director,
Muskegon County, Michigan

I respectfully request your support for IAAO President-Elect.

My goals for IAAO include continuing to implement our strategic plan focusing on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, building toward the future through mentoring and educating future assessors and leaders, maintaining our status as the world leader in mass appraisal as well as gaining recognition of assessing experience as qualifying experience for appraisal licensure.

IAAO Activities

IAAO Member since 2001, IAAO conferences since 2008, IAAO Rep, Planning and Rules Committee, Professional Designations Subcommittee, Professional Development Committee, Governance Committee, District 2 Board Member 2019-2021, IAAO Vice President 2023, Conference Volunteer/Moderator, Professional Designations Advisor, IAAO course and Body of Knowledge Reviewer

Leadership Activities

Appraisal Foundation - App Practices Board and AQB Board, Mid-Michigan Association of Assess Officers - served through president - current vice president, MAED Board through Presidency, MAA Board - MAED Rep, Board Member and Various Committees, Credit Union Board since 1993 and Chair 2010, POL Library Board 2014- Present, Toastmasters Board, Cannon Township ZBA Member/Chair and Planning Commission, Moderator Legislative Meetings
CPA - Wright State Univ, Attorney - Ohio State, Masters Tax - Cincinnati, Certified General Appraiser MMAO IV, PPE, AAS, CAE, PPS, ASA, CPA

Assessing Experience

Equalization Director - 15½ years, almost 32 years total

Teaching Experience

Adjunct Prof 18 years, Taught assessing courses 2008-Present, Course Developer Personal Property and To Exempt or Not To Exempt Course reviewer and creator, Presenter Dark Stores Wisconsin Assessors 2016