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Event Registration - Imagery Options Available For Use in Desktop Appraisal Standard 3.3.5
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Central Standard Time
This webinar will focus on the latest technologies in Aerial imagery, some uses of GIS for the assessor's office, street view imagery, Artificial Intelligence and how these tools can be used together to increase the accuracy of an Assessor's cadastral maps. We will also discuss how using these tools can increase efficiences and accuracy in desk review as outlined in IAAO standard 3.3.5 - Alternative to Periodic On-site Inspections. We will touch on some historic information on how aerial imagery has progressed for assessors in the United States in the past 25 years and what the future holds for some emerging technology surrounding imagery and it's current and future uses for Assessors. The webinar, set for noon Central on Wednesday, February 21, will be presented by Dan Lindgren and is eligible for 1.5 CEU hours. The cost is $55 for IAAO members and $77 for nonmembers.

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