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Event Registration - GIS 101 for Assessors
Wednesday, March 06, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Central Standard Time
What does CAMA and GIS integration mean? Why is this important? What are the benefits? How do I do it? What are the options? What do I need to know? How do I get started? What are the trends in technology? What types of spatial analysis are available? What can I use my GIS for? If you're new to GIS and to integrating GIS and CAMA, this session will cover the basics of how to get full value of your GIS from integrating with your CAMA data to new analysis, visualization and sharing capabilities - all to improve and better defend values with technology you probably already have. The webinar, set for noon Central on Wednesday, March 6th, will be presented by Linda Foster and is eligible for 1 CEU hour. The cost is $55 for IAAO members and $77 for nonmembers.

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