Sign up for Aug. 1 conference webinar
The 2023 IAAO Annual Conference is right around the corner and will take place in beautiful Salt Lake City! Hosted by the IAAO Headquarters Team and Local Host Task Force, this webinar will dive into the details that will make this conference one to remember.

We will cover the pre-conference checklist, education sessions, key attendee events and more. Come learn the ins, outs and must-sees directly from the people who make conference possible. No CEU hours provided.

The 2023 IAAO Annual Conference, Aug. 27-30 in Salt Lake City, is the premier platform to share successes, discover best practices, and learn about the latest research in the field of property appraisal. The Annual Conference will take place at the Salt Palace Convention Center.

Sign up for morning yoga at the Conference - deadline is Aug. 1
Attending the IAAO Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, Aug. 27-30? Then join your fellow attendees for a morning yoga class. Classes will be Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 6-6:30 a.m. at the conference. There is no cost and you can sign up as part of registration. The deadline to register for yoga is Aug. 1.
Workshop 191 offered at Conference, Aug. 9 is deadline to register
Workshop 191 is being offered in Salt Lake City as part of the Annual Conference and you can register as part of conference registration, or you can register online through the IAAO-U site.
The workshop is the National 7-hour USPAP Update offered for continuing education for licensure and certification through The Appraisal Foundation. The workshop provides a general overview of USPAP guidelines, advisory opinions, statements, and other appraisal practices. The course is updated yearly to address changes to USPAP and common misunderstandings. Deadline is Aug. 9 to register.
International Association
of Assessing Officers
314 West 10th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64105

816-701-8100  |  info@iaao.org
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