2018 IAAO GIS Technology Survey

Keeping up with the changes in technology in the assessment industry is an important task for all assessment offices and an area IAAO continues to work on to assist members. This summer IAAO conducted a survey among members regarding the use of GIS tools and technologies in valuation offices and the full results charted from the 20 question survey now available to download.

Download Survey Results   Download Survey Questionnaire

The survey received 509 responses from IAAO members and the goal of the survey was to identify both common uses of GIS and emerging applications of newer GIS technologies to expedite daily operations and enhance mass appraisal. There has been a demand to discover what our industry has already embraced and to identify what uses of GIS technologies are quickly coming down the road. 

Detailed survey finding charts were created using R, an online open-source software (free at www.r-project.org) to illustrate what can be accomplished using free statistical and data analysis tools. If you have questions regarding the survey or responses please contact Margie Cusack or the IAAO library.