May 3 webinar: Mobile Technology and Productivity
There are many minor adjustments you can make to your operations to improve productivity and efficiency, but none compare to the impact of implementing a seamlessly integrated mobile solution. Eliminating paper, data prep time for fieldwork, and duplicate data entry has fundamentally changed the way we do business.
IAAO's May webinar, "Using Mobile Technology to Improve Productivity & Efficiency," scheduled for noon Central on Wednesday, May 3, will be presented by W.A. (Pete) Rodda, CAE, RES, FIAAO and is eligible for 1.5 CEU hours. The cost is $55 for IAAO members and $77 for nonmembers.

May 31: Eight Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Model Development Process
This webinar will discuss eight mistakes that your jurisdiction should want to avoid when designing your model development process. The webinar will help attendees understand best practices in how to configure systems for mass appraisal model development.
The webinar, set for noon Central on Wednesday, May 31, will be presented by Josh Myers and is eligible for 1.5 CEU hours. The cost is $55 for IAAO members and $77 for nonmembers.
See the list of IAAO webinars at learn.iaao.org/webinars.

The webinars will be broadcast from the IAAO Studios, sponsored by Tyler Technologies.
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